• Resolved maddin1502



    I see “[wysija_page]” on the page that opens when I click on show “preview subscriber profile page” (my page is in german, so I don’t know the right english translation) in Mailpoet settings page on advanced tab.

    Below that shortcode (it is no longer a real shortcode, just string replace, like said in the code comments) the content is displayed right, all newsletter lists I subscribed to.

    When I put [wysija_page] on a normal page/post no content is displayed, the string is not replaced.


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  • You can only use that shortcode on pages that MailPoet works on, when you click on a link generated our newsletters.

    Read more here: https://support.mailpoet.com/knowledgebase/customize-your-confirmation-pages/

    Let us know if you have more questions.

    Thread Starter maddin1502


    OK thanks, one more question.

    I want to add the “subscriber profile” page to my main navigation menu. It is possible to enter the page without a generated link from a newsletter mail?

    Why I want this:
    – emails are deletable –> no mail, no newsletter list editing
    – users have a customer login on my website, so they can edit their profile/login settings. I need a solution for editing subcribed newsletter lists without the generated link from a neswletter mail.

    So what I want to do: link a user login with the mailpoet newsletter plugin. The customers have a login, so their mail addresses are known. They must not enter that information again to subscribe to a newsletter list. The mailpoet plugin needs to recognize (customer) logins (mail and maybe names), so it should be able to generate a “subscriber profile” page with a shortcode.

    Hi Maddin,

    On your case this code can help: https://gist.github.com/rafaelfunchal/2e3c34f51934bc985830

    Because it only works for logged-in users.

    Try and let us know later if it works for you.


    Thread Starter maddin1502


    Thanks, it works!!!!!!! Can you add that simple code to the next release/update?

    But there is a still a bug in your plugin (it’s easy to fix). The subscriber profile page still contains the “[wysija_page]” shortcode and I didn’t enter that, it was there by default installation. I just have to edit the post and remove it. I think this shortcode is unnecessary. Am I right?

    Not totally right. That shortcode is sometimes necessary. Take a look here for an example where it’s still needed: https://support.mailpoet.com/knowledgebase/customize-your-confirmation-pages/

    Probably unrelated, but I have MailPoet 2.6.11, and it automatically generates {host}?wysijap=subscriptions page for me and displays that tag as is. So,

    1) the shortcode clearly doesn’t work;
    2) the page displays username that I don’t want people to see;
    3) comments are enabled for that page, and that is simply wrong.

    How do I fix that? The page is not listed among usual pages, so I have no idea how to fix 2) and 3), and I’m sure as hell I don’t know what to do about 1), because that checkbox in the Yoast’s SEO plugin is off (and has always been off).

    Hi prokoudine, please create another support topic with that question.

    The problem you are seeing is that someone forgot an equal sign in file plugins/wysija-newsletters/helpers/front.php on line 241

    strpos($content, '[wysija_page]') == false
    Should be
    strpos($content, '[wysija_page]') === false

    I’m observing the same behavior, using MailPoet 2.6.14.
    Indeed the fix described by hiphopsmurf fixes the issue.

    Can we hope for a correction in next MailPoet update?

    Ok, an internal ticket has been created for this issue and a fix is expected for the next version! Thanks for your feedbacks!

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