Hey @homzik, it seems as if this version of our thumbnailer somehow doesn’t extract your images correctly, which is definitely something we have to worry about. But unfortunately we cannot address this issue any earlier than in two weeks, since the head developer of this plugin is currently in vacation.
We also have to admit that this has now been an ongoing issue with our plugin, which is definitely something to be worried about. This is now something we will have to re-evaluate & fix it ASAP! Please bear with us.
In the meantime, I can offer you two suggestions:
1.) remove the current version of our plugin and install the previous, working one, or
2.) try out our other related posts plugin called ‘Related Posts by Zemanta’, which is basically identical to the one you are already using, but it’s using a slightly different thumbnailer, which seems to be working with users who are experiencing problems with this current one. You can find it over here:
In any case, please do let me know what you think or if you have any kind of questions —?I’ll do my best to help you out! I’m looking forward to your reply!
Take care & have a nice day!