Hi @gera2220. Thanks for the screenshots. I think I understand what’s happening here.
Because you have prices entered inclusive of tax, that means the prices you enter already have the tax included. Thus, if you enter a price of $1 for a product, that means that the product price plus the tax of that product have to add up to $1. That means the base price of the product has to be less than a dollar.
In order for the base price plus the tax to add up to $1, the product needs to be $0.86. $0.86 plus a 16% tax rate adds another $0.14, which is $1 exactly. Does that make sense?
If you wanted to add a $0.16 tax and have it add up to $1, you’d need to do the math to calculate what the rate would need to be for that. A $0.16 tax means the base product would need to be $0.84, and 0.16/0.84 = 0.1905. So you’d want to change the tax rate to 19.05%.