• Hello all.

    I have my blog at https://fractura.net .
    As RSS you will find a link at the top of the page: https://fractura.net/feed .
    This RSS feed is not recognized by Feedburner (https://feed2.feedburner.com/fracturafeed), which maintains the old one as the original, from https://blog.fractura.net/feed .
    If I try to change the original feed, it appears a 404 error.
    Also, if I try to auto detect it, it will give me the old feed.
    I tried already with RSS2 URL, but it doesn’t let me change it.
    Please notice that blog.fractura.net, doesn’t exists anymore.
    So, by now, I’m posting without any feeds, because I can’t find a valid one for the present URL…
    Help, anyone?…


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