The slugs of the different views can also be found in and translated through the translation files. I see you have Loco Translate installed, so I take it that you manage translations through it.
I’m not sure if you have copied the Russian translation files into a secure folder already. If not, then please do so as described in this guide. Otherwise, your modified translations will be lost when the plugin is updated.
After this it is best to run a Sync as well to make sure you have all the latest strings in the file.
Open the Russian translation for The Events Calendar and search for “list” (all small letters). Here’s a screenshot of that from my test site:
Remove the translation and leave it blank, or duplicate the English version of the slug.
Do the same for “month” (screenshot) and “day” (screenshot).
For “photo”, “summary”, “week”, and “map” views you will find the slugs in the Events Calendar Pro translation files similarly.
Save your changes, flush your permalinks and caches and check if that fixes it.
Looking forward to hearing back from you!