• Resolved Raju Mandapati


    You’re using the wrong hook in this plugin. esc_url is designed for sanitizing urls and not for manipulating the HTML tags.

    You should use the hook for script_loader_tag instead. Attached is the sample code from wpmu site that shows how to add attributes to the script tag.

    add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', function ( $tag, $handle ) {
    return preg_replace("/(><\/[a-zA-Z][^0-9](.*)>)$/", " async $1 ", $tag );
    }, 10, 2 );

    Please implement it soon and push a new version if you’re actively developing. Or I’d love to contribute to the plugin as a developer.


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  • Plugin Author David Clough



    This was something that was on the development checklist. In actual fact it was using the ‘clean_url’ hook and as it is known that this hook has been depreciated it was planned to be replaced in a future release.

    The latest version of Async JavaScript uses the ‘script_loader_tag’ function.

    Thread Starter Raju Mandapati


    Is the update already release using the ‘script_loader_tag’ hook ?

    Plugin Author David Clough


    Yes, the latest version of Async JavaScript uses the ‘script_loader_tag’ function.

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