Hi @ravanh
Sorry for the late reply but I am still facing this problem up to now.
Here’s a link to one of our my articles to see the widget which google wrongly uses to index articles.
In that page above, look where it says “MORE IN TRANSFER NEWS”
So its like this, that article above is in the category of “TRANSFER NEWS” and I had spent 2 days without writing any article in that category. When I published the article, it shows 2 days ago.
My theme developer simply said that I just remove it from settings but it is perfect for the site cause it increases page views.
I don’t know if you are still interested in this case but could you give me some advice or look at the code and see what’s causing this. When I remove it, then google indexes correctly. I have tried many things.
1. XML plugin ( yours and I see it does include date and time)
2.And even a Schema plugin.