Wrong date for previous events
I cannot display previous events in list view. When I hover the link it says :
and if I open this link in a new tab, previous events are shown correctly. But if i click on the link, the url changes to
I would be ok if the date was “2020-01-20” but the function is taking the date that is display in the “tribe-bar-date-filter” div. And the date is wrong, it’s “2010” instead of “2020”. Is it a bug with the new year?
I’ve deactivated all the other plugins, still the same bug.
I’ve reverted to twentytwenty default theme, still the same bug.
I have the latest plugin version.
I have the latest wordpress version.See the attachement file.
Could you help me?
Thanks a lot,
Alexandre Martignier
Here is my system information :
HOME URL https://mudita.abiesco.ch SITE URL https://mudita.abiesco.ch SITE LANGUAGE fr_FR CHARACTER SET UTF-8 NAME amartignier EMAIL [email protected] INSTALL KEYS - WORDPRESS VERSION 5.3.2 PERMALINK STRUCTURE https://mudita.abiesco.ch/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ PHP VERSION 7.3.13 PHP max_execution_time = 300 memory_limit = 640M upload_max_filesize = 300M post_max_size = 300M display_errors = 1 log_errors = 1 SERVER Apache SAPI fpm-fcgi PLUGINS LayerSlider WP version 6.8.4 by Kreatura Media (https://kreaturamedia.com) ACF: Better Search version 3.4.3 by Mateusz Gbiorczyk (https://gbiorczyk.pl/) Advanced Custom Fields version 5.8.7 by Elliot Condon (https://www.advancedcustomfields.com) Contact Form 7 version 5.1.6 by Takayuki Miyoshi (https://ideasilo.wordpress.com/) Custom Post Type UI version 1.7.2 by WebDevStudios (https://webdevstudios.com/) DesignThemes Core Features Plugin version 1.8 by DesignThemes (https://themeforest.net/user/designthemes) Duplicate Post version 3.2.4 by Enrico Battocchi (https://lopo.it) Duplicator version 1.3.24 by Snap Creek (https://www.snapcreek.com/duplicator/) Easy Google Fonts version 1.4.4 by Titanium Themes (https://www.titaniumthemes.com) Envato Market version 2.0.3 by Envato (https://envato.com) My Private Site version 2.14.2 by David Gewirtz (https://zatzlabs.com/plugins/) éditeur de page version 6.0.5 by Michael M - WPBakery.com (https://wpbakery.com) Loco Translate version 2.3.1 by Tim Whitlock (https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin) Media Library Folders Pro For WordPress version 5.1.5 by Max Foundry (https://maxfoundry.com) Members version 2.2.0 by Justin Tadlock (https://themehybrid.com) Ninja Tables Pro version 3.5.9 by WPManageNinja (https://wpmanageninja.com/) Ninja Tables version 3.5.10 by WPManageNinja LLC (https://wpmanageninja.com/) PDF Embedder version 4.5 by Lever Technology LLC (https://wp-pdf.com/) Redirection version 4.6.2 by John Godley (https://johngodley.com) Registrations for the Events Calendar Pro Personal version 2.11.2 by Roundup WP (https://roundupwp.com) Responsive Styled Google Maps version 4.7 by hevada (https://codecanyon.net/user/hevada) Slider Revolution version 6.0.7 by ThemePunch (https://themepunch.com/) Lazy Load by WP Rocket version 2.3.2 by WP Rocket (https://wp-rocket.me) The Events Calendar version 4.9.13 by Modern Tribe, Inc. (https://m.tri.be/1x) The Events Calendar Extension: Formatted Event Date Shortcode version 1.1 by Modern Tribe, Inc. (https://m.tri.be/1971) Unyson version 2.7.22 by ThemeFuse (https://themefuse.com) User Blocker version 1.5 by Solwin Infotech (https://www.solwininfotech.com/) W3 Total Cache version 0.12.0 by BoldGrid (https://www.boldgrid.com/) WP All Export version 1.2.5 by Soflyy WP Google Maps version 8.0.13 by WP Google Maps (https://www.wpgmaps.com) mb.miniAudioPlayer version 1.9.3 by Pupunzi (Matteo Bicocchi) (https://pupunzi.com) Smush version 3.3.2 by WPMU DEV (https://premium.wpmudev.org/) NETWORK PLUGINS - MU PLUGINS - THEME Kriya Child MULTISITE - SETTINGS schema-version = 4.9.13 recurring_events_are_hidden = hidden previous_ecp_versions = Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 4.9.6 [2] => 4.9.7 [3] => 4.9.8 [4] => 4.9.9 [5] => 4.9.10 [6] => 4.9.11 [7] => 4.9.12 ) latest_ecp_version = 4.9.13 last-update-message-the-events-calendar = 4.9.10 freemius_random_seed = 42 front_page_event_archive = earliest_date = 2019-09-01 00:00:00 earliest_date_markers = Array ( [0] => 18 ) latest_date = 2020-08-22 23:59:59 latest_date_markers = Array ( [0] => 1868 ) stylesheetOption = full tribeEventsTemplate = tribeEnableViews = Array ( [0] => list ) tribeDisableTribeBar = 1 monthEventAmount = 3 enable_month_view_cache = 1 dateWithYearFormat = j F Y dateWithoutYearFormat = j F monthAndYearFormat = F Y dateTimeSeparator = @ timeRangeSeparator = - datepickerFormat = 11 tribeEventsBeforeHTML = tribeEventsAfterHTML = viewOption = list google_maps_js_api_key = AIza###XQC4 donate-link = postsPerPage = 9999 liveFiltersUpdate = toggle_blocks_editor = toggle_blocks_editor_hidden_field = showComments = disable_metabox_custom_fields = 1 showEventsInMainLoop = eventsSlug = evenements singleEventSlug = evenement multiDayCutoff = 00:00 defaultCurrencySymbol = chf reverseCurrencyPosition = 1 trash-past-events = delete-past-events = embedGoogleMaps = 1 embedGoogleMapsZoom = 10 debugEvents = tribe_events_timezone_mode = event tribe_events_timezones_show_zone = logging_level = warning logging_class = Tribe__Log__File_Logger WP TIMEZONE Europe/Paris WP GMT OFFSET 1 DEFAULT PHP TIMEZONE UTC WP DATE FORMAT j F Y WP TIME FORMAT H:i WEEK STARTS ON 1 COMMON LIBRARY DIR /home/clients/a22a9b9ae9467b12d87adf849d289bc4/mudita/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Tribe COMMON LIBRARY VERSION 4.10.2
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