We tried to reproduce the behavior you described, but we didn’t encounter the issue. The Force Override?feature should not modify the displayed time.?
First,?we’d recommend?you perform a full delete and reset of the plugin to fully reset the plugin. To do this deactivate?the plugin and delete the plugin, open up your database and remove all entries for zHours. This will remove all plugin files and provide a full deletion.
In addition, can you please perform?the Plugin/Theme conflict test to verify if any other plugins or themes are creating?a conflict. Please deactivate all plugins with the exception of WooCommerce and the Order Hours plugin.
Now reinstall and activate the plugin.?Does the time conflict?still occur when using the Force Override feature?
After these troubleshooting steps are completed, if the different time is still showing, please reopen the post and provide us additional information to continue troubleshooting the issue.
1. What is the current Timezone you setup on General WordPress settings?
2. What is the Date Format you setup on General WordPress settings?
3. What is the Time Format you setup on General WordPress settings?
4. What does the Schedule tab Current Time show compared to the Time listed on General WordPress Settings “Local time is”?
Finally, check and Send us the WooCommerce logs for any errors related to zHours at?/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-status&tab=logs, to access the logs. Click WooCommerce, Click Status and Click Logs Tab. Review the logs for any logs with the reference to zHours.?