• For some obscure reason there’s no options availible for links, text adjustments, images etc etc in Safari, just the type- in box and the publish/save options. Anyone know why this is? I know, why not use Firefox if it works there but nevertheless I want to use Safari and if there’s a fix for this I’d rather go with that. If I haven’t got any other choice I’ll use Firefox instead though.

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  • Thread Starter MiG


    Thanks to anyone/everyone for not even trying to help me out here.

    I have MacOSX, pretty new to WordPress too and yeah, its frustrating that the options don’t come up, but I’ve experienced that too with other websites, plus the text area sometimes funks up in one of the browsers, firefox I think. No idea why this happens, don’t know a fix either.

    I don’t think there’s a fix, I could be wrong but I think the browsers just get things wrong sometimes and there’s no escaping it.

    “Thanks to anyone/everyone for not even trying to help me out here.”

    Please bear in mind that we’re all volunteers here; sarcasm generally isn’t the best way to garner help.

    This is due to a bug in Safari. There are workarounds but the best alternative is probably to use FF/Camino if you want the Quicktag buttons.

    Thread Starter MiG


    Sorry about the sarcasm, was frustrated that’s all. I got the feeling that my Q wasn’t interesting enough for anyone to actually reply to it after a while since I recieved none the first week or so. Thanks for the info and link though, I’ll check it out.

    Thread Starter MiG


    Thanks yet again, I finally found the section about this problem and also the solution which seems to be working satisfactorily. The Quicktags are now visible and functional ??

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