• I have a blog in English. However, I want to write a single post in French. Just one page – nothing more.

    If I just publish the french post, the HTML of the post will still show the lang=”en-US” value.


    1. Is it bad if I just publish the post in french anyway?
    2. Is there a way to tell WordPress that only this page is french?

    Thanks for helping me out!

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    There is not a way in WordPress to do that. It could be done by a plugin or custom code though.

    Also, you should consider the rest of the page as well, because if the whole page is not entirely in French, then maybe setting the lang to something else might not be the exact right thing to do.

    Thread Starter bhagwad


    That’s a good point. I ended up using a plugin to change the language “per post”. Here’s the page:


    You can see that the language is fr-FR in the HTML…

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