Can someone please help me?
I have been trying to get email blogging working with Word Press blog. I have checked my email address to make sure that it is correct by running it through MailWasher. That worked and the 2 emails I had in there appeared.
Then I realized that I was driving to the wp-mail.php file incorrectly. Once I fixed that I get this Ooops POP3 connect: Error [97] [Address not in family protocol] one time and then this the next Ooops POP3 connect: Error [0] [Success]
I have tried the ! like the Codex suggests for Noop error message hoping that that would fix the issue in the ClassPop3.php. Sadly no luck.
I am not able to use the wget command with my cron but I can use php public_html/installdir/wp-mail.php. I don’t think that this is affecting it.
If anybody has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time.