• Hello WordPress-Followers,

    has anyone started writing an online-book with WordPress?

    There is this HowTo on writing a novel online with Blogger.com at: https://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=1064&topic=44

    I wonder whether something similar would be possible with WordPress.

    What I have is this blog at https://www.TheMasterSmiled.com and I am thinking about turning it into an “online-book”.

    This essentially would mean that one reads it from first to last chapter (as opposite from last to first entry in a standard blog). At the same time there should be some way of linking from the front page to the latest entry, about-infos etc.

    Can anyone help?

    A zillion thanks

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  • The simplest way to do it would be to use the Pages instead of Writing Posts. I’d also, if it were me, put a table of contents in the sidebar, which would be easy enough to do with wp_list_pages.

    And you could force the front page to be a “cover page” using the Page to Front or Static Front Page plugins. (Static Front Page is easy to use, I can’t speak for the other.)


    If you did it that way, you could still include a link to the blog posts, since the posts and pages each have their own order. So you wouldn’t have to choose between blog and novel; they could both be there.

    Thread Starter dushan


    Thanks! ??

    A thing that comes to my mind: Is there maybe a plugin which allows to view all posts in reverse order?

    There’s no plugin (of which I am aware) that reverses the post order; but it’s easy enough to accomplish that with a custom query_posts in your loop.

    Thread Starter dushan


    Thanks for the answers and help. I have followed your instructions and put it online here: https://book.themastersmiled.com

    (It is very scarce, not as nice as the Orginal Blog. But eventually it will be!)

    Thanks again

    tomhanna – *pages* …. why didn’t I think of that? And here all this time I’ve been writing them as individual posts and simply checking for the specific category, and changing the sort order , and then….. Gah!…. I’ve made it harder than it needed to be.

    Might be time for an overhaul.


    Just curious–why not write your book (unpublished on the Net) and submit it to publishers?

    Amulet…. easier said than done…. sometimes some of us just want to write for the sake of writing. But (at least in my case) it isn’t of publishable strength…. but it is something that other may enjoy.


    You could also have a stronger book thanks to reader’s comments (watch the copyrights!) and build word of mouth marketing towards its eventual release.

    True, true, that’s what we do over at https://fanstory.com you post it, people read it, comment on it. You polish it, and if you feel up to it, you can get it published. I’ve seen several go through that went from ideas to print.


    Rather off the OP’s subject, but I’d warn anyone with an interest in getting published writing you’ve placed on your blog to think about keeping access to it limited to only a trusted few for what criticisms and such you’re seeking. I’m sure there is the rare case that tests this rule, but something publishers don’t tend to buy is a work that’s already been in the public eye.

    Thread Starter dushan


    I am trying to win an audience online, so later I will be able to tell a publisher: “Look, people like this stuff!”.

    I have already published a non-fiction book. Now with my fiction-project https://www.TheMasterSmiled.com I am trying a different approach. I am giving my stories the real-life-test on the web.

    Yet I still have stashes of unpublished stories of this kind, which I could and will offer to a publisher – later.

    We’ll see – wish me luck! ??

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