WR Pagebuilder adds br
Hi there,
i have another Little Problem.
When i use the Texteditor inside Pagebuilder it adds “br” before the text, everytime i save…
when i write “hello world” and save, then the post is “brhello world” – when i save it again it makes “brbrhello world”. it adds 1 to the beginning of text each time i save…
I added a code (as Plugin) that prevents wordpress from adding line breaks:
function better_wpautop($pee){ return wpautop($pee,false); } remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' ); add_filter( 'the_content', 'better_wpautop' , 99); add_filter( 'the_content', 'shortcode_unautop',100 );
But now the wpautop function is disabled complete. it solves the Problem in pagebuilder, but removes the possibility to Change double linebreaks to <p> in the Texteditor…
is this “br” Problem a Bug?
with “br” i mean the html code for break, that i cant write here, because the Forum dont Show html code in text…
Best Regards
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