Thanks. Everything else disabled (except Jetpack – would not deactivate) … Browser cache cleared … Still defaults to mobile setting on desktop, and ipad will NOT click over to desktop.
I noticed this notification in Core settings: Extra configuration is required. The plugin must be configured to exclude the user agents that WPtouch Pro uses.
But I already have these Custom User Agents Listed (quite a few!):
iPhone & Mobile, iPod & Mobile, Android & Mobile, BB & Mobile Safari, BlackBerry & Mobile Safari, IEMobile/10.0 & Touch, Firefox & Mobile, IEMobile/7.0, IEMobile/9.0, webOS, acer\\\\ s100, archos5, docomo\\\\ ht\\\\-03a, dream, htc\\\\ hero, htc\\\\ magic, kindle, lg\\\\-gw620, liquid\\\\ build, maemo, mot\\\\-mb200, mot\\\\-mb300, nexus\\\\ one, opera\\\\ mini, samsung\\\\-s8000, series60.*webkit, series60/5\\\\.0, sonyericssone10, sonyericssonu20, sonyericssonx10, t\\\\-mobile\\\\ mytouch\\\\ 3g, t\\\\-mobile\\\\ opal, tattoo, AppleWebKit, MySiteApp, iphone, ipod, ipad, aspen, incognito, webmate, android, dream, cupcake, froyo, webos, s8000, bada, 2.0 MMP, 240×320, ASUS, AU-MIC, Alcatel, Amoi, Audiovox, AvantGo, BenQ, Bird, Blazer, CDM, Cellphone, DDIPOCKET, Danger, DoCoMo, Elaine/3.0, Ericsson, EudoraWeb, Fly, HP.iPAQ, Haier, Huawei, IEMobile, J-PHONE, KDDI, KONKA, KWC, KYOCERA/WX310K, LG, LG/U990, Lenovo, MIDP-2.0, MMEF20, MOT-V, MobilePhone, Motorola, NEWGEN, NetFront, Newt, Nintendo Wii, Nitro, Nokia, Novarra, O2, Opera Mini, Opera.Mobi, PANTECH, PDXGW, PG, PPC, PT, Palm, Panasonic, Philips, Playstation Portable, ProxiNet, Proxinet, Qtek, SCH, SEC, SGH, SHARP-TQ-GX10, SPH, Sagem, Samsung, Sanyo, Sendo, Sharp, Small, Smartphone, SoftBank, SonyEricsson, Symbian, Symbian OS, SymbianOS, TS21i-10, Toshiba, Treo, UP.Browser, UP.Link, UTS, Vertu, WILLCOME, WinWAP, Windows CE, Windows.CE, Xda, ZTE, dopod, hiptop, htc, i-mobile, nokia, portalmmm, Vodafone, Nokia6650d, SAMSUNG-SGH-A737, HTC_P3650, HTC_HD2_T8585, HTC-ST7377, htc_touch_pro2_t7373, HTC_Dream, HTC-P4600, HTC_Touch_Pro_T7272, HTCP3300, LG-CT810, LGE-MX380, BlackBerry7100i, BlackBerry7130e, BlackBerry7250, BlackBerry7230, BlackBerry7730, Cricket-A200, MOT-COOL0, MOT-V9mm, MOT-L6, MOT-V3r, MOT-V3i, MOT-A-1C, MOT-V620, MOT-V600, MOT-E398, mot-V3, Samsung-SPHM800, SAMSUNG-SGH-A867, SonyEricssonW595, SonyEricssonK800i, POLARIS, AdsBot-Google, Android, AppleWebKit, BB10, BlackBerry8330, BlackBerry8703e, BlackBerry8820, BlackBerry9000, BlackBerry 9350, BlackBerry 9360, BlackBerry 9370, BlackBerry 9380, BlackBerry 9780, blackberry9500, blackberry9520, blackberry9530, blackberry9550, BlackBerry9630, BlackBerry9650, BlackBerry9700BlackBerry 9790, BlackBerry 9800, BlackBerry 9810, BlackBerry 9850, BlackBerry 9860, BlackBerry 9900, BlackBerry 9930, BlackBerry9500, BlackBerry9520, BlackBerry9530, BlackBerry9550, CUPCAKE, Googlebot-Mobile, incognito, s8000, webOS