Howdy. I installed this as directed (I think) but I am getting this:
Warning: fopen(wp-content/plugin_manager/params): failed to open stream: Permission denied in / on line 1271
The line in question (1271), in wp-plugin-mgr.php, reads like this:
if ($file = fopen ($location, "w"))
No idea what could be “wrong” with that line; it’s the default file I downloaded. Thus it must be something about the way my stuff is setup or something about the way things are interacting. This is where I get lost.
Other facts: The error occurs at launch of WPPM 1.7 itself (“click here”) from within admin area, under plugins. I assume WPPM should be “activated” there as well, but have tried it both ways, with the same error result. I do get the screenfull of plugin listings, but the error message is in there as well.
My host has NOT turned off ‘allow_url_fopen’.
I’m using the “temporary” option on the configuration screen.
No other permissions problems at this time. Just the one error (above).
I’ve tried changing from ‘use CURL’ to ‘don’t use CURL’ (line 23 modification, as instructed) and I get same error.
I have not tried to install any plugin(s) using the one-click feature yet.
I’ve never used any version of WPPM before. This is my first attempt to install it.
Don’t know if this is relevant, but I did change something a while back so my admin emails would not come from “Nobody” on my most excellent host’s Apache server. It was some easy piece of code found here somewhere. Sorry I don’t recall what/where more specifically.
Thanks in advance for any clues.