• Resolved scotttripatrek


    My WPP stopped working properly a few months ago.

    I don’t see pages show under Trending Now, even though I know I get regular pages views. Most viewed has not changed for a long time.

    Every now and then, a page will appear in Trending Now but shows as 100 Views. If I view that same page, it then shows under Trending Now as 200 views.

    I’ve gone through all the FAQs and troubleshooting, turned off all other plugins. Cleared cache, tried different theme.

    I have the most recent version 6.3.2

    As troubleshooting, I installed a different plugin Post Views Counter and that is showing regular page view updates. (not sure this helps…)

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  • Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi @scotttripatrek,

    About the 100 views count increment, looks like you have Data Sampling enabled on your site. Please review the documentation to make sure that a) whether Data Sampling needs to be enabled for your site, and b) you’re using the right Sampling Rate for your current traffic levels.

    Regarding views count not updating properly, it might be a caching issue and/or a conflict with another plugin. Can’t say for sure without more information (eg. active plugins, site’s URL, etc.)

    Thread Starter scotttripatrek


    Thanks for the quick response. I think I have found the issue.

    Seems to be a conflict with a Plugin WP Category Post List

    Wasn’t until I disabled all Plugins, disabled WPP then reactived and it started working. I disabled Data Sampling and it is showing the correct view count now.


    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    There’s a chance that it might be the deactivation of all of your plugins what “fixed” the problem and that it’s not WP Category Post List what’s causing the problem so keep an eye on your site for a few days just to be sure.

    If the problem comes back then please share your site’s URL and the list of active plugins as well so I can have a look.

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