• Resolved holle75


    Hi there, as mentioned in other threads WPO cache sometimes destroys the layout of our page. Sometimes css is not loaded, sometimes Jquery behaves erratic. The newest strangeness is that sometimes Products in the shop are set excl. VAT. (we sell incl. VAT, regarding the law)

    WPO becomes unusable for me. Thats a pitty because i loved the “lightness” of your plugin.

    The question is, why this is happening? A problem with multilanguage? a problem with wpml?

    Anyways i have to switch our caching tool. How to remove WPO the best way without leaving traces or “damaging” anything?

    It′s such a pitty.

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  • Plugin Support pbevanudp



    For pricing / caching issues WPML recommend excluding the pages that have pricing on – you can do this in Cache >> Advanced settings >> URLs to exclude from caching.

    They also recommend excluding the session cookie wp_woocommerce_session which you can do in Cache >> Advanced settings >> Cookies which, if present, will prevent caching.

    Thread Starter holle75


    Hi pbevanudp, yup, your mentioned exceptions are already set. I′ll try WP Super cache (which is also defined “wpml compatible”) and see if this erratic behavior will persist. What wonders me are those illogic, sporadic problems that only occure sometimes.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    @holle75, did you purge your cache and run another preload after you made these changes?

    Thread Starter holle75


    Unfortunately i tried “everything” for month. As we talked about in another thread initially i thought it′s a minify problem. It wasn′t. I will keep an eye on WP Super Cache. If the same problems encounter i′ll let you know in this thread. So we know if it′s a WPO or general problem (on our site).

    Thread Starter holle75


    i tested WP Super Cache for a while now. Same problems. I investigated further and found out that Astra Pro (theme) seems to be a part of the problem. When saving a product/blog/whatever in the main language, translate it, … sometimes a dynamic astra pro css file is missing when checking FrontEnd on one of the destroyed pages. When resaving this entry in the main language, the dynamic file seems to be generated again and everything is back to normal. This is the workaround for WPSC. In WPO flushing cache worked (it doesn′t in WPSC). So, very strange indeed and i can′t understand the “concept” behind those problems.

    I′m not an expert how in detail caching plugins in WP/WC work …. is my description triggering any ideas what might be the problem?

    Thread Starter holle75


    … more time spent with investigating my general caching problem. I can′t be sure yet, but the “Astra Feature” “File Generation” under settings that creates dynamic css/js files instead using inline css/js seems to be a big part of the problem. Somehow dynamic generation of those files and caching is not getting along so well.

    Anyone having ideas that might support this thesis?

    Hi @holle75,

    If you think Astra’s File Generation is the culprit, please consider reaching out to us thru our Support Portal, so our support agent can take a look.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Thread Starter holle75


    Hi Herman, i did. I′m still doing. Maybe it got lost in those many (small) bugs i reported and those many circles where i have to explain again and again the same situation. Most of “my issues” occure from time to time, depending on when css/js/jquery is loaded, dynamically or not, cached, i don′t know. It might even be possible that all of my Astra problems are stemming from the same core problem.

    In regards of THIS problem, after 1 week it seems Astra File Generation is the culprit. But i have to keep an eye on it for a bit longer to be sure.

    If you are interested, from time to time my main menu on the main page is doing crazy layout shifts for a splitsecond when loaded for the first time (no browser caching). css/js (dynamically? loaded to late?). I reported this issue to Astra. I even saw it in one of your videos you made from our page in regards of another problem. When i made “my supporter” aware of it i just got the usual answer without info. Clearing cache (i tested 3 different caching plugins yet) helps.

    A similar problem in checkout where the province/county select field is missing the label. It′s not happening always, here i suspect a problem with js/jquery (dynamically ?). You can check it by using dev tools and see when jquery is setting the label to display: none (or not) on other labels. For this issue caching is not involved (checkout is not cached).

    Sorry, i don′t want to be rude, i do understand that those issues are very complicated and hard to find. I do understand that probably most of the Astra users don′t even realize those problems. Anyways they need to be solved.



    Hi @holle75,

    Since this is related to Astra, would you please start a thread on Astra forum? Alternatively, if you can share with me your ticket ID, I can look into it for you.

    Kind regards,
    Herman ??

    Thread Starter holle75


    Herman, in regards of all those problems (not the cache problem though, cause i thought it′s a cache problem …. it′s still solved by deactivating “File Generation” in Astra until now.) i mentioned in this thread and others, i opened tickets/conversations with Astra Pro support. Since i have to repeat myself over and over again, going in circles, Astra Support always asking for the same explanations (i delivered hundredfold) on and on, this became a waste of my time with no solution on the horizon. 99290 is one of the “ID′s” i think.

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