• mikeplant


    I am working on adding some extra steps and functionality to the multisite register process.

    When adding an action to wpmu_new_blog this fires normally when I as the admin user creates another blog. However, if I log out and create new blog this action is not run.

    I also tried to add this to the wpmu_activate_blog action but since this is tied to the plugin I am working, activated on the main site but not the sub site, this does not fire on the new blog activation.

    So I have a few questions:

    1. Why is wpmu_new_blog not firing my added action for non-logged in users, as it states it should in the comments above the function?
    2. Why does do_action in ms-functions.php pass multiple variables to it; when this function only receives one parameter?(I think this is a bug, or deprecated use maybe?)
    3. How can I activate a plugin for new blogs so that it will still run my hooks in the new site as well: on activation(since it uses the subdomain in my case)?
    4. Why can I not bypass the activation step as also stated in the comments by adding a filter to wpmu_signup_user_notification? It doesn’t appear to run this either as all I want ot do is activate automatically and return false to not send the confirmation email?
    5. Is there documentation on the meta variables and what they do specifically so if any of this can be accomplished through meta parameters(options) which I am already using for setting the theme and default front page?
    $meta['page_on_front'] = 2;
    $meta['show_on_front']= 'page';
    $meta['template']= 'newtheme';
    $meta['stylesheet']= 'newtheme';
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  • you know there’s a variable in wp-config you can set for the default theme, yes?

    How are you creating the blog while logged out?

    Thread Starter mikeplant



    I believe that I have seen this on multiple postings but since I need to also populate page content I had just moved on to using meta options. It seems there is a huge hole when it comes to documentation for MultiSite functions and I would love to hear your ideas on how to improve it since I have noticed you are the go to girl for this stuff on the forums, thank you for being so responsive and helpful!

    I also was hoping you could speak to the bug I beleive I encountered before I report it: I mentioned that in ms-functions.php the do_action functions are being passed multiple parameters when it appears it only accepts a single parameter? We need to address that I think as it would be nice to have the other variables as well.


    When a user goes to signup.php they first create a user account(if I am not logged in to my main WordPress site), after you submit this first step it then moves into creating the new blog: pick your url, and site title.

    Am I missing the question here? I do not think you are logged in since you must first activate your blog before both the username and blog are created? Is that not correct?

    As I stated above I am having a hard time tracking down DOCS for MultiSite so I am glad you guys are on here responding to questions; thank you both.

    Docs are in the codex, as are all docs.

    Why are you not directing users to the wp-signup.php page in the multisite install?

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