Ok this is my update…
site is at brentwoodyouthsoccer.net
i had followed the codex instructions as best as i could but I clearly did something wrong. the site is working properly again. so i need to give it another try.
my host is bluehost shared server
the site is currently set up as follows
HOME is at brentwoodyouthsoccer.net = siteurl
wordpress core files are at brentwoodyouthsoccer.net/different directory
the site has been up since September of 2013, custom permalinks have already been set up and established.
some of the codex tells you to set up wildcard subdomains… I honestly don’t know if I even need to do that.
***** I now know that is only needed if I set up network as sub-domain.
***** I also now know that because the wp core files are in a directory (ie, mysite.com/wpcorefiles) my network must be sub-directory.
*** although still not sure if this is truly my ONLY option due to the custom permlink structure already set up???
***** my other question is when setting up the blog.dir, is that necessary for both sub-domain & sub-directory??
*** lastly I’m unclear on the Apache mod_rewrite module… what the heck is that and how do i enable it?
Being that I screwed it up so bad the first time I am hesitant to try it again.
Please provide any insight you may have