• Hi there, I want to thank you for this great plugin.
    Also I would like to help others with this small snippet for WPML support.

    It would be really good to have this code integrated into the plugin one day.

    // detects if WPML is active
    define('USING_WPML', defined('ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION'));
    // adds WPML support to LOLMI plugin
    function PREFIX_lolmi_wpml_support($value, $option) {
    if(USING_WPML) $value = apply_filters('wpml_permalink', $value);
    return $value;
    add_filter('option_lolmi_login_page_url', 'PREFIX_lolmi_wpml_support', 10, 2);
    add_filter('option_lolmi_login_redirect_url', 'PREFIX_lolmi_wpml_support', 10, 2);
    add_filter('option_lolmi_logout_redirect_url', 'PREFIX_lolmi_wpml_support', 10, 2);
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