• Hi!

    I like your plugin, but I found problem:

    When I use it on the website with a single language – all works fine, but when I tried to remove the stored redirection of slugs on a multilingual website (I use WPML) – old slugs have a redirect for new slugs. For example, domain.com/old-slug returns 404 if I delete the redirect with your plugin, but if I remove redirects for domain.com/en/old-slug – redirects continue.

    All works well for the default language of the website with WPML, but if the URL has additional parameters like language (EN in my case) – it does not work.

    Have you any minds about this?

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  • Plugin Author Algoritmika


    Hi, @pettrushkov,

    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

    I’ve just tested it on my site with WPML – it seems to be working fine here – redirects stop after I remove old slugs, even for the secondary language, like domain.com/en/old-slug.

    Could you please let me know what slugs did you use when testing? For example, if your new slug is examples and your old slug is example, it will still redirect the URL, even if you delete the old slugs. We can stop such redirects by turning off the 404 guessing with this PHP snippet:

    add_filter( 'do_redirect_guess_404_permalink', '__return_false' );

    Please let me know what you think.

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