Hello @egletiere,
You can get rid of this by following the below step
1. After enabling the plugin, configure the notification bar. Make sure that the bar
is displayed at the front end.
2. Go to WPML => String Translation => check ‘Look for strings while pages are
rendered’ Option from Auto register strings for translation.
3. After that reload the front end where the notification bar is present.
4. Then you can find the message string in the WPML String Translation under
the wpfront-notification-bar domain, You can uncheck the checkbox after the
string is loaded.
5. After that you can translate the String as you did before from WPML String
Our default language is ‘wpfront-notification-bar’, but you can override it by
defining ‘WPFRONT_NOTIFICATION_BAR_LANG_DOMAIN’ constant in wp.config.
I hope this helps!