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  • WPG2 2.13 Contains a Fix for WordPress 2.2 Add Page Behaviour Changes

    Hello, I am having trouble with WPG2 as well. I have been trying to get it validated, and I keep getting the same error:

    WordPress Compatible? Success
    URI to Gallery2 Ok? Success
    Gallery2 can be located in G2 File Path? Failed

    “Error: embed.php cannot be located in the specified File Path.
    WPG2 plugin cannot locate the Gallery2 installation.

    Upon activation, WPG2 automatically looks for your Gallery2 installation in (Domain URL)/gallery2/, (Domain URL)/gallery/, (Domain URL)/photos/, (WordPress URL)/gallery2/, (WordPress URL)/gallery/, and (WordPress URL)/photos/. If your Gallery2 installation is in another directory, please go to the “WPG2 Paths” tab and enter your Gallery2 URL. embed.php”

    I changed the file permissions to 777 of wp-content, tried to create a gallery2-directory in the wp-content folder, but nothing seems to work. I have downloaded the most recent version of wpg2. Please help.

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