Hi yall! I’m also having an Adapt theme issue that was touched on above. When I click on portfolio images, I see slider arrows but no image loads.
I have made some progress from the helpful comments above. For example, I did not have the images loaded into a gallery, and adding a gallery to the portfolio page solved my problem of the organizational categories not being shown on the ‘collection’ tab.
A secondary issue I am having since I added the gallery to the ‘collection’ page is that when I create a portfolio, it shows up on the home page under ‘recent work’ below the slider but does not show up on the collection page.
This is my first site and I started building it a week ago, so I’m sure this is a novice mistake. To be clear about what steps I have taken so far (as I’m sure one of them is incorrect):
1. I uploaded 180 jewelry pics to media, and then made individual portfolios featuring the corresponding images. The four most recent portfolios showed up on the home page. When I went to the ‘collection’ page, the items were shown with the correct names, but the categories were not shown on top of the portfolio. When an image was clicked, the new page showed a slider without an image.
2. I read this post. Added a gallery to the ‘collections’ page. Because I could not use images already uploaded in ‘media’, I uploaded the same 180 pics into the gallery. The categories at the top of the page appeared (hooray!). However, no image loaded when a portfolio image was clicked, just arrows.
3. I created a new portfolio as a test, with an image from ‘media’ that was uploaded to create the gallery (instead of an image uploaded before the gallery was created). The new portfolio appears on the home page under ‘recent work’ but does not appear in the gallery. The pictures on the ‘collection’ page still do not show an image between the arrows when clicked.
3. I updated permalinks. No changes.
Any advice? Thanks so much in advance – I will be so happy to figure this out!
(And if anyone is feeling EXTRA generous with their time, I would love to be pointed in the right direction to change the black name blocks over each portfolio item on the ‘collection’ page from black block/white text to clear block/black text as it currently looks a bit harsh on top of the jewelry.)