• So I have this in a function and I cannot see why it isnt working, any clues please? It doesnt write to the archive table or delete from the original table

    if (isset($_POST['cleanold'])) {
        $cleanup = $wpdb->get_results(&quot;select * from wp_applications where Available_To < $date&quot;, ARRAY_A);
        $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . &quot;wp_applications_archive&quot;;
        foreach ($cleanup as $roww){
            $roww_id = $roww->id;
            $archive_success = $wpdb->query(&quot;INSERT INTO wp_applications_archive SELECT * FROM wp_applications where id= $roww_id&quot;);
            echo(&quot;Nothing happened&quot;);
        $result = $wpdp->get_results(&quot;SELECT * FROM wp_applications where Available_To < $date&quot;, ARRAY_A);
        foreach($result as $row){
            $row_id = $row->id;
            $wpdb->delete(wp_applications, array('id'=>$row_id));
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  • Dion


    First, all your double-quote characters are the &quot; entity, which would cause numerous PHP errors.

    Second, in your foreach() loops, you are referencing a row variable as an object, but you requested the result set to be an associative array.

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