• hsysgrp


    Am replacing working sql statements with $wpdb methods. I have replaced SELECT statements, but have not been able to UPDATE. I have included all of the code, not knowing what is causing the fail. The error I get is Uncaught Error: Call to a member function show_errors() on null in /home4/hsysgrpc/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve-child/custom-page_InputMemberID-wpdb.php:17; or if I comment out the show_errors() statement, the same Call to a member function on null points to the UPDATE statement. Thank you for your help.

    // custom-page_InputMemberID-wpdb.php 3/13/2022
     * Template Name: Input Member ID wpdb
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
     * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
    include 'myFuncs.php';
    $link = connect(); 
    global $wpdb;
    if($link === false){    die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error());
    if(isset($_POST['search'])) {
    	$searchf = $_POST['searchf'];
    	$searchf = preg_replace("#[^A-Za-z\' -]#i","",$searchf); //only characters  and spaces, -
    	$searchq = $_POST['search'];
    	$searchq = preg_replace("#[^A-Za-z\' -]#i","",$searchq); 
    	$searchn = $_POST['memberNumber'];
    	echo "<br>$searchf<br>";
    	echo "<br>$searchq<br>";
    	echo "<br>$searchn<br>";
    	$FirstName = $searchf;
    	echo $FirstName;
    	echo "<br>";
    	$LastName = $searchq;
    	echo "LastName = " . $LastName;
    	echo "<br>";
    	$MemberID = $searchn; //New National Number
    	echo $MemberID;
    	echo "<br>";
    	$tablename = "AAUW_New_Members";
    	echo "AAUW_New_Members "  . $tablename;
    	echo "<br>";
    	$data = $MemberID;
    	echo $data;
    	echo "<br>";
    	$wherecondition = $searchq;
    	echo "<br>";
    	echo "LastName = " . $wherecondition;
    	$updated = $wpdb->update($tablename, 
    					array('MemberID' => $searchn
    					array('LastName' =>$searchq
    	echo print_r($updated);
    } //Close isset search
    <title>Search for ID by FirstName,Lastname</title>
    <form id = 1 action = "/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve-child/custom-page_InputMemberID-wpdb.php" method="POST"> 
    		Input New Member ID for record to be moved from AAUW_New_Members to AAUW_Members
    	<input type ="text" name = "searchf" placeholder= "Search for First Name..."/>
    	<input type ="text" name = "search" placeholder= "Search for Last Name..."/>
    	<input type ="text" name = "memberNumber" placeholder= "Input MemberNumber..."/>
    	<input type = "submit" value = "search..." />

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • threadi


    Are you also loading the entire WordPress environment? Or in other words, how do you embed this PHP code into WordPress?

    Thread Starter hsysgrp


    Site hsysgrp.com
    Page New Member
    sub Page Input Member ID
    Permalink [ redundant link removed ]
    Template Name: Input Member ID wpdb
    I have pages where the get_results SELECT method works fine, both INSERT and UPDATE statements give me the same call to a member function on null error. I used to think it was syntax, now I’m really puzzled.



    I’m afraid I don’t follow you and stick to my guess that your source code doesn’t load the wordpress environment at all.

    Thread Starter hsysgrp


    I am using a twentytwelve child theme. I have pages created in the usual WordPress manner using the full-width template. One page uses a template I wrote, custom-page_InputMemberID-wpdb.php. This is the code I provided in my first message. I have not made any special calls to the WordPress environment other than the global $wpdb;



    I have now tried to recreate this on my end and get no error message when calling the page. I have created just like you a child theme from TwentyTwelve the template file with your above source code and assigned to a page. I get no error message at all when calling the page.

    The only difference between my source code and yours are the lines

    include 'myFuncs.php';
    $link = connect();


    if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); }

    I commented those out in each case.

    So I now have 2 guesses about your problem:
    Something is happening in myFuncs.php that prevents $wpdb from being included. Since you didn’t show the file, I can only guess.
    Or: Something is wrong with your installation. What that is I can’t guess either.

    Tip 1: try to debug var_dump() to find out if $wpdb is set anywhere in your template.
    Tip 2: If the problem turns out to be more complex I would recommend you to address it in the platform intended for programmers: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com

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