wpcf7_unit_tag_not_found, There is no valid unit tag
Hello friends,
I am using Nuxt as front-end and WordPress as back-end for CMS purpose. I am creating a form-data like this
const body = new FormData();
body.append(“_wpcf7”, “20”);
body.append(“_wpcf7_version”, “5.9.8”);
body.append(“_wpcf7_unit_tag”, “wpcf7-f20-o1”);
and it return 400 code and wpcf7_unit_tag_not_found, There is no valid unit tag. However when I try out with Postman , it works. Because I set auto response email and I receive response on email so it works. the problem is that it only works when I try with Postman or the WordPress theme not from my front-end Nuxt.
Please help me !!
I really appreciate any comments.
Thank you so much in advance !!
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