• Hi, congratulations on your plugin, it works perfectly.

    I recently encountered a problem with the Infinite Scroll plugins. I have tried three different ones and they all do the same thing.

    On the shop page or in categories, when you scroll down everything works perfectly. As soon as Infinite Scroll comes into operation and loads the next products, you can no longer select any variation of the newly loaded products, the clear variations link is always not operational.

    Is there a solution to this problem?

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  • Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi @ofermania ,

    For your information, not only our plugin butsome other swatches plugins also have problems with the Infinite Scroll. It requires an event to be called after loading new posts by the AJAX for the swatches to work properly.

    We haven’t found any solution to this, unfortunately. By the way, I have sent a request to our developers so that they can consider this further.

    Please check back when you find a new update of our plugin.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter ofermania


    Thanks for the answer.

    Please, can you tell me what would be the AJAX call event and I’ll take care of implementing it?

    Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi @ofermania ,

    That’s just a response from one of our developers about this issue. I’m not a technical support agent so I can’t provide further advice for your case, unfortunately.

    Hopefully, our developers will provide a fix for this in the coming updates of this plugin.

    Best regards.

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