• i have the latest version which appears to be 2.0.6
    i filled everything out.. i followed the instructions the best i could.. since it looks like the “developers” page is not the same when it comes to creating the app. because the instructions page for the plug has these screen shot that do not look the same as the app page.

    it does not give me any erros. i can not find the infinite session key.
    also on the instructions page it gives you like a line for the tap url and the facebook app does not approve of these line of code.

    any help?

    my page is..
    and the app page is..
    i dont know if it helps

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  • Yes, Facebook changed the “developers” application right after I posted revised instructions. ??

    You wrote:

    i can not find the infinite session key

    Have you clicked on the “Check permissions” link? Once there, did you click “click here to grant permissions for this userid”?

    If so, that should provide your infinite session key. If not, what does it show?

    What do you mean “the facebook app does not approve of these lines of code” for the tab url? You can’t enter:


    into the “tab url” box?

    Thread Starter BBoxed


    when i click the check permissions link… it takes me to facebook but it returns a blank page..

    to be more specific. it gives me facebook header.. sidebar.. but no content.

    the ?app_tab=true&fb_force_mode=fbmle i got it. i was doing it wrong

    Thread Starter BBoxed



    Application Temporarily Unavailable
    Runtime errors:

    URLExceptionEmpty URLs not allowed here

    fb:iframe: Empty URLs not allowed here

    Sorry, the application you were using is experiencing a problem. Please try again later.


    I got the same error. The documentation for the setup looks very different in compare to the real Facebook developer page.

    Is there a way to see where the error comes from? Maybe it is an error by my blog.


    @bboxed – not sure what’s going on here, but when I visit:

    And click on the “visit application” link, that link points directly at: https://mexicalifacil.com/

    It should instead point to something like https://apps.facebook.com/mexicalifacil/

    When you set up your application in Facebook, what are you setting as the “Canvas Page”, “Canvas URL”, and “Bookmark URL” in the “Facebook Integration” Section?

    @hangtreiber – same set of questions for you. What do you have set as your Canvas Page, Canvas URL, and Bookmark URL?

    I will try to update the install instruction screenshots as soon as possible

    I’ve checked in new install instructions with updated screenshots for the Facebook developers application / settings, which will be part of the next release.

    To see them before that release comes out, grab the “development version” from the repository or go here: https://www.openparenthesis.org/wp-content/plugins/wpbook/install_instructions.html

    Thread Starter BBoxed


    here is my app

    but i so not see the comments on my site.

    @bboxed – which comments are you expecting to see on your site?

    Are you publishing posts to your personal wall, or a Fan page? Are people commenting on excerpts posted there, which you are not seeing?

    Have you granted permissions and gotten an infinite session key?

    Have you enabled debugging, and if so, what does the debug.txt file contain?

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