• I’ve seen this URL in my referrers a couple of times recently, and I’m mildly curious about it:


    Anyone familiar with this site, or what it might be doing? It’s some sort of membership based site, so I can’t view the referring page. I can’t find much on Google either, but it looks like it might be pulling content to fill space on spam blogs. If that’s all it is, it’s kind of inoccuous I guess, I’m just hoping there’s nothing more “Black Hat” -ish I should be worried about.

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  • All you have to do is go to the main page for WordPress Blackhat and see what they say about it themselves:

    We don’t claim to have re-invented the wheel like others, but we have definitely made it much simpler and quicker to make hundreds of dollars a day with WordPress blogs.

    Discover this cutting-edge way to make money by simply entering your name and email below for your free copy of WordPress Blackhat Exposed. (Please note: for obvious reasons, we have limited the number of copies available.)

    If you do a Google search on WordPress Blackhat, you’ll find a link to a blog post on a website called Content Generation Engine, Blackhat Innovation dated 11/7/2008 that talks in a bit more detail about what WordPress Blackhat is (2nd result):

    WordPress Blackhat is the easiest and most effective way to make money from WordPress blogs – there’s no easier way; I can guarantee you that! You can use this system to create 500 to 1000 page blogs in minutes. They have link-building tools to get these blog indexed and making money very quickly!

    They are providing a blog-scraping technique, which is set to grab 500-1000 legitimate blog articles from other blogs, publish them to their “monetized” blog, and grab the revenue it generates.

    It’s not innocuous by any means – it’s copyright infringement and content theft, with the sole purpose of making money off other bloggers’ articles, and use WordPress as the platform to do it.

    Just read some of the links in the sidebar on the Content Generation Engine website under Current Posts and you can see exactly what these people are all about – link-spamming, link cloaking, etc.

    (I purposely did not link to the websites as I don’t want to give them any Google “goodness”. The links are easy enough to type into your browser address bar yourself, or click it from Google.)

    Although clearly about “black-hat” internet marketing (and whether that’s god/bad/ugly is up to you), wpblackhat’s system does not involve blog scraping as it generates content from a large library of PLR articles, which means from the generated content perspective, it is not breaching any copyright. Just thought I would make a correction of kpdesign’s assumption.

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