Yes, I have last version of WordPress and Yoast SEO.
I havn’t neither conflict nor JavaScript error.
Of course, database doesn’t change if Yoast SEO if activated or deactivated.
I just want to know if it’s normal to have a big table database like this?:
– I have 1 857 886 object ids?;
– In internal_link_count, it contains ‘null’ or a number, from 0 to 50?;
– In incoming_link_count, it contains numbers, from 0 to 3.
My web hosting service limits the table weight to 100 Mo. I’m near to 60 Mo. If it is not normal to have numbers like this, I have to intervene (But I don’t know the reason of the problem, and I don’t know how to resolve it yet).
If it’s normal, I would like to remove this text link counter functionnality and this table.
I prefer to not use the text link counter functionnality than to be in the impossibility to create posts, because the web hosting service blocks.
[Edit] I just have 243 ID which contains data (different than 0 in internal_link_count or incoming_link_count table)
This ID comes from 1 to 9 000, with a lot of jumps. Then to 9 000 to 262 000 with only 11 ID. After, it only contains 0, from 271 425 to the end, 1 790 000, with no jump between ID.[/Edit]
Thank you.