• ResolvedPlugin Author axew3


    1.1.4 is ready.
    UPGRADE FROM 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 require to rebuild page-forum.php (or whatever has been named the embed page) in wp_w3all config. 1.1.4 fix login(on logout from WP front end remain a bug to fix, all the rest should work fine) and links, and some options have been removed as not more necessary.
    The plugin has been cleaned, and a modal interactive login that should work on all modern browsers (CSS3 without javascript) has been added, returning back an integration experience that need to be fixed on logout and some correct redirect, but that in the while really seem to look good.
    It is more easy on config. The workaround about login/out was very bad on 1.1.3, while in 1.1.4 it need to be fixed but is much better, and definitively the way to go on maybe. There are two options about embed now: iframe or not iframe, there is not more domain or subdomain etc…. The iframe mode require only to activate links for the embedded wp page.
    Remain the problem about logout if this is performed from wp: until a fix, the logout point to real forum folder, also in iframe mode.

    Fixed user transfer procedure!

    The plugin really return a sufficient experience with modal css login on iframe without javascirpt. But it need to be fixed to be better on redirection and more, also if at moment all seem acceptable as result.

    Hope the modal css3 way will be good for the most.

    Please report any problems, or help!


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  • my site is located at newjerseydads.com/forum

    I am not getting the theme to load. I think that the issue is that I did not have the text below in my overall_footer.html file

    <!– EVENT overall_footer_after –>

    Any thoughts on what I might have done wrong?

    Plugin Author axew3


    Hello, sorry, you mean the embedded iframe version?
    Take a look here:

    Plugin Author axew3


    and before, you need to create in wp_w3all admin the forum page, so the WP blank page, if this the problem.

    First, thanks for the quick response.

    Yes, those are the directions that I was using. And I created the black page.

    One point that I should mention is that the phpbb is installed in the forum subdirectory. Could that be creating a conflict?

    And what would you recommend doing with the footer file if it doesn’t have the language above?


    Plugin Author axew3


    One point that I should mention is that the phpbb is installed in the forum subdirectory. Could that be creating a conflict?

    Yes, choose forums, as name for your page, or others available, or WP will find out the folder before the page and return content not found.

    And what would you recommend doing with the footer file if it doesn’t have the language above?

    Sorry, do not have understand this. Footer of WP? or phpBB? and about language in what part?

    ** Thanks. Changed it to forums and it worked.


    ** The language that I was talking about is contained here:


    ** The directions state to

    Open with a text editor your phpBB template file overall_footer.html, search for the follow code on bottom of the file:
    <!– EVENT overall_footer_after –>

    ** But I cannot locate the

    <!– EVENT overall_footer_after –>

    language in my overall_footer.html file.

    ** I checked the overall_footer.html file in the following folders
    [forum root]/adm/style folder
    [forum root]/styles/prosilver/template

    ** I added the language towards the bottom of the prosilver template folder but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Am I missing something?

    Thanks for all your help and this great plugin.

    Plugin Author axew3


    yes! all seem to work but:
    you need to load with ftp on phpBB root folder the file iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js that is contained inside YOURWP\wp-content\plugins\wp-w3all-phpbb-integration\addons\resizer

    Plugin Author axew3


    removed sorry ?? what disaster i’m sometime with english ?? …

    Plugin Author axew3


    i see you have add the file. But still do not work. Let me look what can be

    Plugin Author axew3


    well, seem you have not edit the overall_footer.html of phpBB.
    You need to do the follow:
    Open with a text editor your phpBB template file overall_footer.html, search for the follow code on bottom of the file:
    … and follow the procedure… if still in problems, let know.

    Thanks. This file is in my forum root


    The issue seems to be the step before where my overall_footer.html file does not have the language it should

    Below is the current code in my
    [forum root]/styles/prosilver/template/overall_footer.html file

    <div id="page-footer">
    	<div class="navbar">
    		<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
    		<ul class="linklist">
    			<li class="icon-home"><a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a></li>
    				<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
    					<!-- IF S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK --><li <!-- IF S_WATCHING_FORUM -->class="icon-unsubscribe"<!-- ELSE -->class="icon-subscribe"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK}" title="{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}">{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
    					<!-- IF U_WATCH_TOPIC --><li <!-- IF S_WATCHING_TOPIC -->class="icon-unsubscribe"<!-- ELSE -->class="icon-subscribe"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{U_WATCH_TOPIC}" title="{L_WATCH_TOPIC}">{L_WATCH_TOPIC}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
    					<!-- IF U_BOOKMARK_TOPIC --><li class="icon-bookmark"><a href="{U_BOOKMARK_TOPIC}" title="{L_BOOKMARK_TOPIC}">{L_BOOKMARK_TOPIC}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
    					<!-- IF U_BUMP_TOPIC --><li class="icon-bump"><a href="{U_BUMP_TOPIC}" title="{L_BUMP_TOPIC}">{L_BUMP_TOPIC}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
    				<!-- ENDIF -->
    			<li class="rightside"><!-- IF U_TEAM --><a href="{U_TEAM}">{L_THE_TEAM}</a> &bull; <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{U_DELETE_COOKIES}">{L_DELETE_COOKIES}</a> &bull; <!-- ENDIF -->{S_TIMEZONE}</li>
    		<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
    	<div class="copyright">{CREDIT_LINE}
    		<!-- IF DEBUG_OUTPUT --><br />{DEBUG_OUTPUT}<!-- ENDIF -->
    		<!-- IF U_ACP --><br /><strong><a href="{U_ACP}">{L_ACP}</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
    	<a id="bottom" name="bottom" accesskey="z"></a>
    	<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->{RUN_CRON_TASK}<!-- ENDIF -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).on("click", "a", function() {
       var href = $(this).attr("href");
       var w3allappend = href;
     if ('parentIFrame' in window) window.parentIFrame.sendMessage(w3allappend);
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js" defer></script>

    I didn’t have this language in my original file

    <!– EVENT overall_footer_after –>

    Plugin Author axew3


    edit the phpBB overall_footer.html file:
    Open with a text editor your phpBB template file overall_footer.html, NOT WP footer TEMPLATE file, and search for the follow code on bottom of the file

    <!– EVENT overall_footer_after –>

    immediately after, add this code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).on("click", "a", function() {
       var href = $(this).attr("href");
       var w3allappend = href;
     if ('parentIFrame' in window) window.parentIFrame.sendMessage(w3allappend);
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js" defer></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).on("click", "a", function() {
       var href = $(this).attr("href");
       var w3allappend = href;
     if ('parentIFrame' in window) window.parentIFrame.sendMessage(w3allappend);
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js" defer></script>

    after edited, save it and load the modified overall_footer.html into your phpBB style folder, overwriting the default one, and so, load with ftp on phpBB root folder the file iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js that is contained inside YOURWP\wp-content\plugins\wp-w3all-phpbb-integration\addons\resizer

    After this, phpBB require to recompile the new template, or modifications to his template files not affect (to overall_footer.html in this case). Open phpBB ACP, and so under

    Server Configuration -> Load settings -> Recompile stale style components set to YES and save. So re-set to NO and save other time the option. It is needed one time to load the template modifications on phpBB (any time you edit a phpBB template file), but this option should be ever set to NO on an online site to save server resources.

    Plugin Author axew3


    please read the above ‘modified’ answer and let know if still in problem.

    This is the problem I think. My original overall_footer.html file does not have this language

    <!– EVENT overall_footer_after –>

    And the directions and your comments require that this line of code exist.

    I just added the text in the footer and it seems to work. Thanks for all of your help.

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