WP_Query Running a different query in Chrome & IE to Firefox?
Hi all,
I’m having a very strange problem that I’m really struggling to understand.
I have a custom taxonomy “menu” and a custom posttype “menuitems”
The Taxonomy is two tire, such as:
– Dumplings
– Salads
Main Courses
– Beef
– Chickenetc …
I’ve written a loop to display items on a page in the following format:
– Dumplings
— menuitem A
— menuitem B
– Salads
— menuitem C
— menuitem DWith a navigatable page for each of the Parent taxonomy terms, so each page is a taxonomy page listings it’s children, with all product in each child below the category title.
I’m running the following query in the first of my two loops:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
This should get each of the items found in the sup child category.
is the object in my first foreach loop which looks like this:
foreach($children as $child):
With $children being set as follows:
$children = get_terms('menu', 'hide_empty=0&parent='.$current_term->term_id.'')
And $current_term being assigned as follows:
$current_term = get_term_by('slug', $term, 'menu')
With $term being the wordpress global from the current taxonomy URL.
I’ve check all the values are consistent up untill the running of the query, but when I run the query in Firefox it works as expected, but in both Chrome 14 and IE9 it simply returns all the items of “menuitems” reguardless of taxonomy, with the mySQL in $child_items->results of the WP_Query object being different in each browsers too.
As this is all server side I fail to see how the results from my query can different brower to browser and this really has me stuck.
Any insight at all would be hugely appreciated. Entire template source is attached below, the query in question starts on line 71.
Thanks in advanced,
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
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