• After a lot of help from Fluffy ( https://trikuare.cx/ ) and Skippy ( https://www.skippy.net ), I have finally manage to make the plugin work.
    This plugin integrates WordPress and PHPBB, using PHPBB as the comment engine.
    (unfortunately it is not a completely one-click plugin yet)

    For complete information, directions, and a demonstration go to

    I am working on other features, but also working on a MA thesis. (so forgive me if they dont get implemented quickly)

    Feedback is always welcomed.

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  • I haven’t figured out the previous problem yet, but I am also having trouble with an error with the login integration. I seem to have the integration working, but I am getting the following error above the output for each user in my sidebar:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for wphpbb_login() in /blog/wp-content/plugins/wphpbb.php on line 3019

    Anyone know what could be wrong or how to fix this error?

    Thank you in advance,




    This sounds awesome! I have been waiting for a phpBB integration hack to be released for sometime. I will give this a whirl right now. Cheers!

    Ok…..still haven’t fixed the link to the blog yet, but I have got the error eliminated on my login link. What I had to do is use some of the code from a previous version of the plugin versus the new code and then add the profile and private messages part. It seems to be working fine now, but with some issues:

    1) The login form doesn’t work because I still have no working wphpbb-login.php file that works with the new version of the plugin. As soon as I login and submit, it takes me to wphpbb-login.php and gives me a template error. In the meantime, I have removed the code that gives the loginform.

    2) The plugin will not create members that come over from phpBB into wordpress…also assuming because the wphpbb-login form isn’t working? Not sure there. It will show logged in users that were already created from previous version of the plugin when they come over.

    3) Responding to my last statement, even though it shows the previous user info when they arrive at wordpress and shows the admin link, it doesn’t carry that login info over to the admin area and they are forced to login again.

    4) The Recent Posts from phpbb are not working with the code to call in the sidebar. I can’t figure out why!

    All and all, the cross posting and comments codes are working fine and the cookie is being placed when users login at phpbb and come back to wordpress! (if they were already created previously). Just a few things to iron out! I thank Wilbur for all his time on this plugin and hope that we can work on this when he gets time!

    Thank you,




    @trent, WOW great work you have done. I use WP but not with phpBB(yet).

    I have the following general question about your coding/research for the plugin.

    – did you alter phpBB table users with the WP table fields?
    – or did you create a seperate register process which registered a user in both applications?

    I am asking because I need a starting point to integrate an arcade script with phpBB. And I would like to leave the phpBB user tables unchanged in case phpBB does an upgrade.

    I could use some info/inspiration how to tackle this problem. (not a php newbie)
    tx in advance


    I too am one of those people who work with the author on getting the code working and not the plugin author, as it is Wilbur who wrote it. I am OK with php, but not good enough to code much myself.

    With that disclaimer out, what this plugin does is just create a new table in wordpress that keeps the results from the ‘unchanged’ phpbb tables. The login uses the cookie from phpbb and tries to replicate that information into wordpress. It doesn’t actually change phpbb tables at all (except makes new posts of the wordpress posts). The registration is still done in phpbb and then is ‘copied’ over to wordpress.

    The details of the plugin can be found in the code or from the author of the plugin, but he is really busy right now. Sorry I couldn’t help out more! I am still waiting for someone to help me finish this plugin off for 2.02!

    tx, trent for the information.

    your explanation gives me a start.

    thanks for that.

    Just in case any of you are using this and would like to have the recent posts from the forum listed in your sidebar, the code that I have had the most success with has been:

    <!-- RECENT POST -->

    <?php if (function_exists('wphpbb_recent')) { ?>

    <li><h2><?php _e('Forum'); ?></h2>

    <?php wphpbb_recent(); ?>


    <?php } ?>



    No matter how hard I try, I can’t get the plugin to have me do the 2 following things:

    1) Create a new user in WP if the user doesn’t already exist in WP, but does in PhpBB

    2) Use same login information to take over to the ‘admin’ area of WP.

    Any ideas?

    Another thing that I am finding is that I am constantly getting logged out of phpBB (only with Firefox) now when I have the following in the phpBB functions.php:

    if (!function_exists(get_userdata)) :
    and after

    If I remove it, phpBB works fine again, but obviously the wphpbb plugin doesn’t work and you can’t view your blog.

    I guess I better wait and see what Wilbur can do to fix this because I can’t seem to get it to work at all for me now with the newest version of phpBB…..


    Ok…figured out this last one. After reading Wilbur’s site, he needs to work on the login integration. Right now, it all works except the login integration. What I did to fix the cookie problem was leave out the following code from my header page and everything went back to normal.

    <?php if (function_exists(wphpbb_header)){ wphpbb_header();} ?>

    That code makes me keep getting logged out of phpBB when even browsing the forum. Once that was out of my blog header….it was all good for comments in the forum.

    I look forward to having this work with the login integration when Wilbur has time to finalize it!


    Thread Starter wduluoz


    wphpbb v2.5
    compatible with wp 2.0
    login works for the most part.

    i am working separating it from the wphpbb for people who would like it to login integration but dont want the comments integrated.

    I will post a new thread when i get it separated.

    wphpbb v2.5


    ps sorry for the delay, had to finish up some business and repair a house.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    I have separated the wphpbb-login system.

    More information here:


    I just installed WPHPBB and I love it! I never thought I’d have a need to integrate phpbb and wp, but now I do, and this is great.

    Functionally, it’s all fine so far. However, I am having a problem, with getting the “quick comment” box to look right on my posts. I can’t seem to set tags in the WPHPBB options area to make it look right. It either stretches WAAAY across the page and makes it a mile wide, or it shrinks it up and you can’t write in it, or makes it ridiculously tall. And what ever I set also seems to bork up the html on the options page with backslashes and tag code that should not be there, so I can’t imagine what havoc it’s causing elsewhere.

    I can see that the subject and comments box both share a class of “input” but when I set the width and height for the comment box, it affects the subject line the same way.

    I hope someone can give me an idea what to do. I’m sure this is a CSS problem, complicated by the fact that my site is a combination of CSS and HTML tables. I’d like to make it more heavily controlled by CSS, but I’m still learning.

    My sample page is here:


    It looks fine at first glance, but if you scroll way down to see the submit buttons at the bottom of the page, you’ll see what’s wrong.

    Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on how to style this correctly. Thanks!

    I have a solution, or at least a workaround. I opted NOT to define the size of the form using WPHPBB admin, and instead used the “input” style alone (which seems to be built into the HTML of the quick reply form itself, not configurable via the WPHPBB admin form).

    I’m still having a hard time understanding how to manage the fields in WPHPBB admin — it would be great if the admin was updated to have clearer descriptions of each field set.

    This is a tremendous plugin with a ton of potential. Great job! I look forward to seeing the future development of it.

    New question….how can I prevent comments from showing up ON the post page? I’d like to have the quick reply form, so they can respond immediately, but having the entire discussion on the page is too much — that’s the whole reason I wanted to get away from WP comments in the first place.

    Even the links to individual comments would be OK, but I’d like to either eliminate the text of the comments completely, or show only a very short excerpt.

    I’m sure I can modify this in the source code, just curious if there is a better way, perhaps with CSS or a setting I’m not seeing.


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