• After a lot of help from Fluffy ( https://trikuare.cx/ ) and Skippy ( https://www.skippy.net ), I have finally manage to make the plugin work.
    This plugin integrates WordPress and PHPBB, using PHPBB as the comment engine.
    (unfortunately it is not a completely one-click plugin yet)

    For complete information, directions, and a demonstration go to

    I am working on other features, but also working on a MA thesis. (so forgive me if they dont get implemented quickly)

    Feedback is always welcomed.

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  • WDuluoz:

    I don’t want to replace the WordPress comments feature with phpBB forums, but do want to have a phpBB forum as part of my WP site and have an integrated WP/phpBB user login and profile. Baically, I only want to use part of your wphpbb plugin’s functionality.

    Would you be willing to highlight what part(s) of your plugin’s code merges the two profile systems? Or maybe even split off a seperate, reduced functionality plugin that only integrates the user profiles?

    Thanks for any pointers on this!

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    I plan on making two smaller versions: a wphpbb lite, for those that dont want to use the phpbb_fetch_all to display them in wp, and the login system, though I would rather figure out a better way to integrate the two. The biggest flaw in the login system is that if someone logs into phpbb then it will not automatically log into wp, unless they use the specific login page.
    When I get time, I will post them. It shouldnt be more than edit out the unnecessary parts.


    I keep getting parse errors on the first step. I get “unexpected end_if” or unexpected “}”.

    Cant seem to get it working, does anyone have any suggestions?



    How much reliance does this plugin have on an exact phpbb version? Let’s say phpbb releases a new version of their software (security updates or something) next week. Will I have to reinstall this plugin all over? Will it work properly still?

    WDuluoz is probably busy with post-Rita work so I’ll field this one for him. I’ve already loaded updates for both WP and phpBB since installing WPHPBB with no problems. They’d have to do some pretty severe changes to the board code for it to affect this plugin, which is the only reason I’ve had such a hard time with it interacting with the Categories Hierarchy mod.

    Dive on in. The water’s fine.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Jersey: Make sure the endif comes after the final “}” in both make_clickable and get_userdata function. The entire function needs to be inside the the small code that basically tells it not to load if the function already exists.
    CreedFeed: Right now, the only changes you will have to do is the small edits to the new version of phpbb. As long as phpBB fetch all works then wphpbb should work. Categories Hierarchy is a massive modification and unfortunately not all of phpBB fetch all seems to work with it. (One day I will fix the problems with logins HardinComp.)

    To everyone else: I am going to have to suspend any work on the plugin for a while, a long while. I dont feel this is the place to get into the specifics, but I will keep happypoet.com up and running. When I get time, I will get back to fixing the minor problems. I have released the latest version I was working on. It has a lot of benefits, but probably a lot of bugs also.
    It is available here: https://www.happypoet.com/files/wphpbb-v2.4.5.phps

    (right click and save as , be sure to remove the “s” in the file name)
    Thanks for all the encouragement and “testing”. Hopefully the versions I have released can satisfy people until I can fix them. I will be back.


    –neat features for login integration and replaces the login register links after initiated (still has problems)
    –automatic syncing with phpBB database after configuring phpBB’s path.
    –replaces the comments links automatically with new one with comment totals(no need to edit index.php, watch out for any other plugin that changes the comment links)
    –beginnings of replacing comments template.
    –some more I cant think of currently

    Known Bugs:
    –bbcode error on Post Management screen.

    my prayers and condolences go out to you Wduluoz. you be sure to take your time and take care of the real world issues out there before trying to trouble shoot and fix wphpbb..

    but as far as anyone else whos knowledgeable in the script or has tested out the beta 2.4.5…

    when i install the script i then get error messages above my wordpress control panel..

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/msjerile/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wphpbb/wphpbb-v2.4.5.php:3211) in /home/msjerile/public_html/blog/wp-admin/admin.php on line 10,11,12,13

    i am unable to delete posts as well.

    my second issue is regarding wphpbb-login.php

    whenever i try and go to the integrated login screen, i get the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class template in /home/msjerile/public_html/forum/includes/template.php on line 30

    appreciate any help and info. if not i understand due to real world circumstances. thanks.

    Does anyone know how to include the phpbb forum in your main.php, much like when you click on a gallery link and it opens inside the main.php w wpg2.

    Does this sound possible?

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    You can do it, but you will have to use a IFRAME unless you make a few changes. You can use phpbb fetch all, but you will need to adapt some of wp and phpbb files to avoid the conflict with get_userdata and make_clickable.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    quick post to tell you, wordpress 2.0 seems to have problems with wphpbb.

    when time permits, i will address this.


    I had a feeling that was coming. I hope you had a good holiday season. Wilbur.

    Is one of the issues that wphpbb doesn’t show up in Options, or have I done something very wrong.

    Running wp 2.0.1 and wphpbb from happypoet (2.4.something)

    I have followed the instructions on hp, but no wphpbb-options shows up in the options page.

    Thread Starter wduluoz


    Yes that is the main issue. Along with the errors that replace everything on the front page.


    Thread Starter wduluoz


    I had a little time to fix wphpbb to at least run with WP 2.0. It is not fully tested. I may have time to test and rewrite the plugin in a few months.

    Sorry it took so long.
    Maybe when I get a chance to stop playing carpenter and plumber, I will have more time.


    I have this working with WP 2 and it is great! Thanks again for the great plugin! The only problem I have is that in the plugin options placing the following code doesn’t link back to the blog, but rather to the forum topic without the id number:

    <a href=LINK>TITLE</a>

    Is there something that I should do to change this?

    Example of this is:


    The permalink is incorrect.

    Thanks again,


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