• I’m having problem, my theme doesn’t show menus on the homepage and it does show on all locations i’m using

    wp_nav_menu( ‘theme_location=primary&sort_column=menu_order&container_class=menu-header&fallback_cb=false&show_home=true’ );

    Any ideas ?? how i can show menus on the homepage ?

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  • Hi,
    If it shows on all other web pages then there must be code in header.php or a style in style.css to hide it on the home page.

    Do you only have support for one menu Admin > Appearance > Menus, do you have a different Template Location for home and then default for the rest.

    This parameter ‘fallback_cb’ => ” tells WordPress not to show the page menu, only show a Menu if it has been created and set as the menu in the Menu > Template Location > Primary


    So it could be any one of these scenarios.



    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I just tested it with Firebug and it does show html for the menus but problem is It doesn’t show Label inside the <a> tag. you can test it on the blog-store.com. You can click on the About us page and Home page. Currently on the homepage 2 links would be appearing those are not menus actually they are keywords please ignore them. On the about us page you Super mobile Marketing-confirm is generating from wp_nav_menu and that is not appearing on the homepage. You can see both pages with Firebug.
    THanks in advance.

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