• zhinjio



    I just upgraded to 1.5, and I’ve been slowly converting the plugins and themes over. Definitely worth the effort. One thing I noticed. In my old index.php, I had modified wp_list_cats to:

    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&all=all&optionall=1&optioncount=1'); ?>

    However, I’m not getting the ‘all’ option in the list now for some reason. I tried changing around order of parameters, and adding and removing things in different combinations. It doesn’t seem to matter much. All the other parameters I add and remove seem to work just fine. ‘optionall’ doesn’t.



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  • I think that option only works for dropdown_cats.

    Any confirmation on that?

    Thread Starter zhinjio


    Well, prior to the upgrade, it was working just fine in a list.



    I got the same problem in WP 1.5, in WP 1.2.2 the wp_list_cats succesfully displayed what I want



    It code that handles the optionall/all parameters was removed from list_cats(). I’ve no idea why. If you need it back, look in


    for the function list_cats(). In this, just before the line:

    foreach ($categories as $category) {

    insert this:

    if (intval($optionall) == 1 && !$child_of && $categories) {
    $all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
    $link = "<a href=\"".$file.'?cat=0">'.$all."</a>";
    if ($list) {
    echo "nt<li>$link</li>";
    } else {
    echo "t$link<br />n";

    This is a mod from 1.2’s source. The query string ?cat=all doesn’t seem to work either, so I’ve used 0 (zero) in the code above to call up all categories.

    I have created a version of the code posted before so that you also see the count of posts in the “All” category. Here the apropriate diff:
    --- template-functions-category.php.old 2005-07-10 15:10:09.143933008 +0200
    +++ template-functions-category.php 2005-07-10 14:55:44.831328496 +0200
    @@ -283,10 +283,12 @@
    WHERE post_status = 'publish'
    AND post_date_gmt < '$now' $exclusions
    GROUP BY category_id");
    + $category_posts["0"] = 0;
    if (! empty($cat_counts)) {
    foreach ($cat_counts as $cat_count) {
    if (1 != intval($hide_empty) || $cat_count > 0) {
    $category_posts["$cat_count->cat_ID"] = $cat_count->cat_count;
    + $category_posts["0"] += intval($cat_count->cat_count);
    @@ -302,10 +304,23 @@
    $category_timestamp["$cat_date->category_id"] = $cat_date->ts;
    $thelist = "";

    + if (intval($optionall) == 1 && !$child_of && $categories) {
    + $all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
    + $link = "<a href="".$file.'?cat=0">'.$all."</a>";
    + if (intval($optioncount) == 1) {
    + $link .= ' ('.intval($category_posts["0"]).')';
    + }
    + if ($list) {
    + $thelist .= "\t<li>$link</li>\n";
    + } else {
    + $thelist .= "\t$linkn";
    + }
    + }
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
    if ((intval($hide_empty) == 0 || isset($category_posts["$category->cat_ID"])) && (!$hierarchical || $category->category_parent == $child_of) ) {

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