Hi Everyone,
    I have searched far and wide for a way to list CATEGORY titles (not post titles) by first letter, not a full list in alphabetic order but… a list that only displays category titles that start with “d” or whatever the desired letter.

    If you are curious of the usage, I am making an A B C D etc. nav and need it to list category titles that start with the respective letter.

    I have already found nateomedia’s plugin and it is for post so it wont work. I need category titles. Perhaps the bulk of the work is done with his plugin? i don’t know enough about php to say but i would think you could query the data base for category title instead of post title. but I dont know and that why i am here.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated because I am under a tight deadline here! Yikes!

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  • Anyone with a list of categories like


    deserves all the help they can get on this. :)

    *laughing* Heh…. I wasn’t going to post, Kafkaesquí…. I was biting my tongue….

    Thread Starter thedesigncoalition


    Ha!! Not really my categories. But yeah there is something wrong with me if those are the first “B” words that come to mind.

    Ok, I’ve put together a plugin:

    Alpha list_cats
    Download plugin | View source

    Once the plugin is uploaded and activated, the following two ‘template tag’ functions are available:

    <?php alpha_list_cats(); ?>
    Analogous to list_cats()

    <?php szub_alpha_list_cats(); ?>
    Analogous to wp_list_cats()

    The parameter list for list_cats() is the same for alpha_list_cats(), only a new final 19th (!) parameter has been added: first_char.

    Example of the new parameter used with szub_alpha_list_cats():

    <?php szub_alpha_list_cats('first_char=a'); ?>

    The value for first_char is case insensitive, so ‘a’ and ‘A’ are equivalent.

    Keep in mind this will not build an alpha-delimited nesting of all categories in one stroke, so for a complete A-Z list one must provide instances of alpha_list_cats (or, szub_alpha_list_cats) for each letter; but then this *is* PHP, so that sort of thing can be automated.

    Also, the bulk of the code is list_cats dropped into the plugin. I just did some modifyin’.

    HAH! Cool…. Kafkaesquí proves once again that he can rise to the occasion….

    So I’m downloading it to my “kaf” folder in my “plugins” folder…. I may never need it, but eventually someone will and won’t be able to find it or whatever…. It’s a collectable “kaf”!

    Thread Starter thedesigncoalition


    Kaf you are a god

    Thread Starter thedesigncoalition


    Works like a dream! I’ll send you a link when it goes live Kaf

    Thank you, Kafka, it works like hell!

    My Brand Library: https://wonderland.creative-assets.com/marken/

    Thread Starter thedesigncoalition


    Hey kaf , the site is still lacking content but you can see my usage here:


    click on the “find an artist” button and you will see my alphabetical menu.

    Thanks Again!!!

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