wp_list_categories partially broken
On archive.php I use
$list_cat = wp_list_categories ('title_li=&show_count=1&depth=1&echo=0&show_option_none=no&child_of=' . $cat_id);
to build links to subcategories of current category. The problem is that while plugin is activated, the code above doesn’t work properly – on one category it returns not he list od subcategories, bur the list of sub-subcategories.I mean, I have the structure like this:
– Cat-2-1
— Cat-3-1
— Cat-3-2
-Cat 2-3
Cat-1-2In Cat-1-1, I should get list of Cat-2-1, Cat-2-2 and Cat-2-3. But I get subcats of Cat-2-1 – Cat-3-1 and Cat-3-2. Other top-level cat – Cat-1-2 returns its subcats as it should do. Id I deactivate plugin, Cat-1-1 returns its subcats properly.
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