• I cannot get wp_get_current_user() on my custom WordPress endpoint.

    function spinwrite_endpoint() {
      register_rest_route('spinwrite', '/rewriter/', Array(
        'methods' => 'GET',
        'callback' => Array($this, 'rewriter')
    function rewriter( $request ) {
      return wp_get_current_user();

    When I go to mywebsite.com/wp-json/spinwrite/rewriter when I am logged in, it gives me a response as though I’m not logged in.


    Also, I’ve tried other functions that access the user such as . . .
    . . . and WordPress treats me as though I’m logged out and have no permissions.

    This is really important to get working because I can’t secure my endpoint without some form of checking who is accessing it.

    I did try installing the WP REST API v2 plugin, but then my endpoint disappeared and when I uninstalled the WP REST API v2 plugin my endpoint was still gone. I had to completely reinstall WordPress just to get it to work again.

    I don’t want to use an external plugin for my endpoint authentication if I can help it anyways because then my plugin is dependant on it.

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