• A plugin (Custom Meta Widget) uses a deprecated constructor for
    the WP_Widget class. When WP_DEBUG is set to debug my child theme
    code, the WP_Widget outputs a warning message for the deprecated
    constructor (during init hook) which then prevents a page from
    setting cookies properly. This prevents being able to login
    to the site since it relies on cookies.

    I believe there are 2 problems

    • the deprecated constructor use in plugin
    • the Warning call in WP_Widget class

    Shouldn’t the debug messages be buffered until the header for
    the page is properly completed?

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  • Moderator Jose Castaneda




    Are you talking about this plugin:

    If so, please be sure to report that to the plugin author.

    Now, if you are using WP_DEBUG on a live site, you may want to reconsider that as it could lead to unwanted results. The codex has some useful information about the constant and it’s usage:

    Thread Starter laxtronic


    It is not a live site, it a localhost. I am using
    WP_DEBUG for PHP/javascript code written for a child theme.
    (I am changing parameters for flexslider that are
    not made accessible by the parent theme)

    Yes, the plugin should be updated, but the more serious
    problem is that WP_Widget’s warning (not a error) breaks
    the login. If I clear the cache in the browser, I can’t
    log back into the admin panel without turning off WP_DEBUG
    so it can set the login’s cookies. Then go back and turn
    WP_DEBUG back on.

    I believe it is because the warning comes during the
    WP_WIDGET constructor WP_Widget() which is running at
    the init hook. Normal debug messages would come at later
    hooks where the header has been started and the test/set
    of cookies has already been done.

    I have temporarily worked around the problem by locally
    modifying the custom meta widget to use parent::__construct()
    but I believe the wordpress code has a problem independent
    of the plugin.

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