• Hello all!

    I followed the tutorial of Brad Traversy, which I recommend to everybody. Everything was clear until the last step: The customiser of the Image (showcase) of the front-page. Is the WP_Customize_Image_Control deprecated? Do you see any problem in the code of /inc/customizer.php :

    	   $wp_customize->add_setting('showcase_image', array(
    		   'default'   =>  get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/img/showcase.jpg',
    		   'type'      =>  'theme_mod'
    	   $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($wp_customize, 'showcase_image', array(
    		   'label'     => __('Showcase Image', 'wpbootstrap'),
    		   'section'   => 'showcase',
    	       'settings'  => 'showcase_image',	   
    		   'priority'  => 1

    And in the front-page.php itself is:

    	      background: url(<?php echo get_theme_mod('showcase_image', get_blog_info('template_url').'/img/showcase.jpg'); ?>) no-repeat top center;

    I would be very grateful for any hint. Would like to finish this tutorial without any mistakes ??

    Best greetings to all


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  • Thread Starter marek_step


    Sorry for the noise! First this is not the right forum and second there is a silly mistake:

    get_blog_info WRONG! => get_bloginfo

    Sorry again!

    I was looking for the error but can’t see it. The statement
    'default' => get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/img/showcase.jpg' should work since you are assigning it to an array. But, you shouldn’t have to repeat it in the get_theme_mod call setting the background.

    you might want to wrap the url in esc_url to protect against hackers. I know if either the name of the settings or the section is incorrect in the controller it will not create the control in the customizer. You might want to check the section name in the controller. It appears from your code the setting name is correct.

    Is there anything showing up in the customizer at all?
    Also Bruce Chamoff has a nice course on the customizer at udemy. It not free but you can usually find it on sale for about $10.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by mrtom414.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by mrtom414.
    Moderator bcworkz


    It’s not entirely deprecated, but some of its methods have been. The class is an extension of WP_Customize_Upload_Control. You could create your own class based on the same that does whatever the customizer needs. Then pass your own class when adding your control. The deprecated code is still available for reference. I don’t know what the customizer needs from the class, nor why the methods were deprecated. I hope this is some help to you.

    Thread Starter marek_step


    Thank you bcworkz and mrtom414 for your helpful answers. I am a Perl-Programmer – yes yes an old-fashioned Language – and pretty new to PHP. Off-topic question: is a hacker able to see the server side php-source?

    Thank you again


    Moderator bcworkz


    Not if the server is properly configured to handle .php file extensions, assuming you are yet to be hacked. Once a hacker gains access, they may or may not be able to see, depending on how deeply they were able to penetrate. The reason for using esc_url() prior to output is really more to help protect your visitors in the off chance your site did get hacked. Additionally it helps ensure URLs in output will work as expected.

    You protect your site from getting hacked in part by properly validating and sanitizing user input.

    That’s great. Thanks @marek_step

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