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14 years, 7 months ago
How do I use wp_count_posts outside of the loop?
wp_count_posts() does not seem to be loop dependant: if the docu does not answer your question,
you may need to describe in more detail where you want to use this.
(btw: the examples in the docu assign the results to variables; if you want to output the results, you would need to use the echo command.)
echo if you look at the TOP TV SHOWS, section on top you will see how I am trying to display post counts.
For some reason the default <?php count_posts(); ?> works to count the total number of posts.
However, the <?php count_posts(‘pages’); ?> function does not work. Any clues?
However, the <?php count_posts(‘pages’); ?> function does not work.
maybe because it does not exist? have you read the docu?
if you want to show the number of published pages, try:
<?php $count_pages = wp_count_posts('page'); echo $count_pages->publish; ?>