• Resolved webby1973


    Hello, there’s a problem when a theme has a cache control, such as the Themify ones, because the SG plugin doesn’t delete its own string inside the wp-config file after it has been deactivated.

    I mean this:


    When you deactivate SiteGround Optimizer, that string is set to “false” instead of just being deleted. So when you activate another cacheing option, such as another plugin or in the theme, an error in shown both in backend and frontend.

    I think it would be better to delete any string previously written by the SG Optimizer when it is not in use.

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  • Plugin Support Georgi Ganchev


    Hello @webby1973,

    The constant is indeed added upon the activation of the File-based caching. Similar strings are applied by most of the caching plugins as it is a standard requirement. Upon deactivating the caching the string is set to False and since it is the default WordPress constant it doesn’t affect the website behavior.

    If you are using another plugin that serves cache and reports that the string needs to be set to ‘True’ and has no automated way of changing that value, it would be best to check with the other caching plugin’s developers and see why they do not modify the string upon turning on the caching.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter webby1973


    Hello @georgiganchev ,
    the error is about the string already present, because the theme writes its own record. I will write to the Themfy developers, but I think it would be better to just delete that constant upon deactivation of SG Optimizer so there would be no incompatibilities with whatever other plugin/theme.
    Thank you.

    Plugin Support Georgi Ganchev


    Thank you @webby1973,

    We will consider removing the string upon deletion of the plugin. Alternatively the line can be deleted manually from the file in case this is needed.

    Best regards,

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