• michaelimi


    We have been using the BuddyPress Group Email SubscriptionSearch for some time now. I was notified today that emails are not getting sent out to users. The queued daily digest and weekly digest area is empty and the wp_bpges_queued_items database table only has items from 2023. To test I have been creating a group. Adding two members to the group where I can access both emails addresses. Then I create a discussion by each user and then reply to the opposite discussion with each user. The only email I get is “New discussion in Test” email which I do not think comes from this plugin.

    Thank you for your help addressing this.

    After enabling the logs this is what it contains:

    [13-Mar-2024 20:15:25] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 20:15:25.
    [13-Mar-2024 20:15:25] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 20:15:25. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
    [13-Mar-2024 21:19:26] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 21:19:26.
    [13-Mar-2024 21:19:26] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 21:19:26. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:09:36] Beginning digest batch of type sum for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:09:36.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:09:36] Finished digest run of type sum for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:09:36. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:09:49] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:09:49.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:09:49] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:09:49. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:58:16] Beginning digest batch of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:58:16.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:58:16] Finished digest run of type dig for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:58:16. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:58:27] Beginning digest batch of type sum for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:58:26.
    [13-Mar-2024 22:58:27] Finished digest run of type sum for timestamp 2024-03-13 22:58:26. Digests were sent to a total of 0 users.

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  • Hi. I got an answer from BuddyBoss support – TL;DR – they won’t fix anything.

    This is what was said:

    I want to clarify the situation, this particular plugin is integrated with BuddyPress and uses the hooks of the BuddyPress notification system. They are not using our new Group Notification hook (In BuddyBoss Platform we moved away from the default BP notification system to a newer system to support our app and give other improvements), and that’s why it’s not working properly with us. 

    To make the plugin support the author needs to incorporate the new notification system we have with the BuddyBoss Platform.

    I saw in the forum thread you mentioned that you already got a new custom code and solved the issue of the Email subject. In this quarter we will release something similar like a Notifications digest feature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQbWisafsrQ&t=626s it is still in early planning, so we may change things around.

    Obviously I don’t expect BPGES to support proprietary plugin API’s so I’ll stick with my code atm. We’ll see when the BBP digest feature is delivered and what overlap there is between the plugins.




    Hi @colinfroggatt @michaelimi,

    Hope you are well! Did you get an answer from BB support? We are having the issue with the links ($activity_object->primary_link) not being fed through in the emails ??


    @eliseunbrandeddigital – see comment directly above yours. -C



    @colinfroggatt thanks!

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