• Hi all,

    In WP5.6 has-small-font-size css class began to give a smaller font size than in previous versions. I haven’t made any changes to the theme’s css

    Why did it happen?

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  • Thread Starter Edward


    I noticed that the appearance of the dropdown for selecting the font size in the block (paragraph) properties on the right side of the page has changed. I’m guessing the bug is related to this


    Thread Starter Edward


    The font difference in html table, 600px width between 5.5.3 and 5.6

    5.5.3: https://prnt.sc/w04pj6
    5.6: https://prnt.sc/w04s8t

    It can depend on a theme you are using, for instance, a similar issue has been reported:

    Look which CSS file is responsible for this in your case and it will be clear to whom to address this.

    Thread Starter Edward


    Hello Olga,

    thank you for your response.

    My theme does not redefine ‘has-small-font-size’ class. There is no such selector in styles.css. I just use default values.

    I think it was redefined in 5.6 core for font size picker. How can I verify this statement?


    Like this: https://yadi.sk/i/4pDncMsZQdXolQ
    Possibly because all values are in ’em’ and depend on parents’ size something above has a different size.

    Thread Starter Edward


    Hi Olga,

    thank you. I’ve found the difference with your help



    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-small-font-size,
    .has-small-font-size {
    font-size: 13px; }

    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-regular-font-size,
    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-normal-font-size,
    .has-normal-font-size {
    font-size: 16px; }

    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-medium-font-size,
    .has-medium-font-size {
    font-size: 20px; }

    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-large-font-size,
    .has-large-font-size {
    font-size: 36px; }

    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-larger-font-size,
    .editor-styles-wrapper .has-huge-font-size,
    .has-huge-font-size {
    font-size: 42px; }

    v. 5.6:

    .has-small-font-size {
    font-size: 0.8125em; }

    .has-normal-font-size {
    font-size: 1em; }

    .has-medium-font-size {
    font-size: 1.25em; }

    .has-large-font-size {
    font-size: 2.25em; }

    .has-huge-font-size {
    font-size: 2.625em; }

    My questions

    1) Is this transition from absolute to relative font sizes in the WordPress core correct of itself? Or should it be considered a bug / bad decision?

    I think this will potentially affect hundreds of sites whose themes do not override these font sizes.

    2) Should I now override the sizes of these fonts explicitly using theme’s css? What is the best practice?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Edward


    This seems to affect any themes that have a default font size other than 16px

    I suppose it was made on purpose. I personally believe that rem is more convenient to use, but WordPress sticks to em.

    The point of using these rem and em is to allow people to have automatically adjusted font size in their browser if they need bigger font size.

    We need to come to terms that sites we creating will not be present exactly like a layout design in some circumstances and make out sites visitors more freedom.

    You know, that you can join #themereview team or #accessibility team on Make WordPress Slack and get involved in a process ??

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