zingiri-web-shop, version 1.6.9
WP-insert, Version 1.7.3
LBAK user tracking, Version 1.7.5 & Version 1.7.6
wp-e-commerce, version 3.7.7
daily counter
BulletProof Security, Version .45.6
to name a few plug-ins don’t work with WP 3.0.2 (SQL 5.0+, Linux, major top 5 host)
generally, auto install does not work for these plug-ins.(There are more but how many are necessary to mention?)
zip upload does not work for these plug-ins(and others).
FTP will put the plugin files in the domain folder but plugin (these and others) will not function when activated. The same is true on a fresh install with nothing else changed/added.
up-dating to WP3.0.2 (none of my 70+ sites will auto up-date from admin panel/dashboard) has broken previously working WP-insert.
It looks like WP 3.0.2 is the problem to me.