• The new version of WP2PDF, the WordPress to PDF converter, has been released. The update includes a rewritten HTML conversion part. Tables are now supported, as well as many other HTML-tags that have not been supported before. There are also some other smaller improvements and bug fixes. See the project homepage (https://wp2pdf.sourceforge.net/) for more information, including a full online demo. Please report bugs and help/feature requests on the project site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/wp2pdf/).

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  • Yes, I’ve got the same problem.
    When there is a ‘ in the text, no text appears after in the pdf document

    No one seems to have a fix for this plugin ??

    Doesn’t seem to have been updated for WP2 too

    EDIT: I’ve done some searching, and looks like the development of this plugin is dead.

    It’s been asked before, but are there any other alternative plugins for generating pdf files from a post?


    I haven’t tested WP2PDF 0.4 for WordPress 2.0 yet. Can it work there?

    I also support the call for an alternative plugin for WordPress which generates posts in PDF.

    – MENJ

    I want to add the permalinks for this plugin..plz help me…the readme says this :
    copy the code and paste it in the file template-functions-links.php in the wp-includes directory.

    this is the code:
    function get_wp2pdf_permalink() {
    echo get_wp2pdfpermalink();

    function get_wp2pdfpermalink($id=false) {
    global $post, $wpdb, $tableposts;
    global $querystring_start, $querystring_equal;

    $rewritecode = array(
    if (!$id) {
    if (” != get_settings(‘permalink_structure’)) {
    $unixtime = strtotime($post->post_date);
    $rewritereplace = array(
    date(‘Y’, $unixtime),
    date(‘m’, $unixtime),
    date(‘d’, $unixtime),
    date(‘H’, $unixtime),
    date(‘i’, $unixtime),
    date(‘s’, $unixtime),
    return get_settings(‘home’) . str_replace($rewritecode, $rewritereplace, get_settings(‘permalink_structure’)).’pdf/’;
    } else { // if they’re not using the fancy permalink option
    return get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/pdf/wp2pdf.php’.$querystring_start.’p’.$querystring_equal.$post->ID;
    } else { // if an ID is given
    $idpost = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT post_date, post_name FROM $tableposts WHERE ID = $id”);
    if (” != get_settings(‘permalink_structure’)) {
    $unixtime = strtotime($idpost->post_date);
    $rewritereplace = array(
    date(‘Y’, $unixtime),
    date(‘m’, $unixtime),
    date(‘d’, $unixtime),
    date(‘H’, $unixtime),
    date(‘i’, $unixtime),
    date(‘s’, $unixtime),
    return get_settings(‘home’) . str_replace($rewritecode, $rewritereplace, get_settings(‘permalink_structure’)).’pdf/’;
    } else {
    return get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/wp2pdf/wp2pdf.php’.$querystring_start.’p’.$querystring_equal.$id;

    where do i add it in template-functions-links.php ? which line exactly ? My knowledge of php is very little

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