• [ Moderator note: title adjusted, please refrain from using help, urgent, emergency, asap, etc. in topic titles. ]

    HELP, my WordPress site won’t let me log in to admin, the actual site will come up https://www.itsjustlife.co.uk but I can’t log into the admin panel.

    Yesterday I installed and set up NextScripts Snap Pro, followed their instructions to disable WP Cron and installed a cronjob via my Cpanel and although the cronjob did not appear to be working everything else was fine.

    So on finding that this morning I could not log into my admin panel I have removed all code to disable WP Cron and deleted the NextScript plugin via ftp but still no joy, also I seem to have a lot of auto.php files in my root directory (2000) related to Video Tweet Presser, are these anything to do with my problem and what are they?
    Can ANYONE please help.

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  • Davor


    Hey Phil,

    Could you set WP_DEBUG to true in order to see the exact error on the wp-admin page?

    Also, just in case, could you temporarily rename the plugins folder just to rule out the possible plugin issue? Let me know how it went.

    Thread Starter dalewood


    Thank you for your help, I have changed WP DEBUG to true but not sure what I am looking for, also plugins folder has been renamed but still no login!

    Do you think all those php files are anything to do with it, about 100s of them, this is what they look like inside, they are all the same:

    br />
    <b>Warning</b>: Illegal string offset ” in <b>/home/dalewood/public_html/wp-content/plugins/VideoTweetPressrGold/auto.php</b> on line <b>532</b>

    <b>Notice</b>: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in <b>/home/dalewood/public_html/wp-content/plugins/VideoTweetPressrGold/auto.php</b> on line <b>532</b>

    They are named: auto.php

    Should they be deleted?



    Hm, even though you enabled WP_DEBUG, I can only see blank page at the wp-admin area and 500 internal server error in the console.

    I am not sure what these files are but the warning and the notice from what you pasted point to the VideoTweetPressrGold plugin. However, even though you deactivated all the plugins and the problem is still at large, the best thing I could suggest would be to ping your hosting provider to check what’s going on with the server.

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